The courtship period is the time to decide about your marriage with the chosen partner. This is the only time where you can create or leave impressions of your partner on yourself and of yours on your partner. When a couple is gently uncovering the layers of each other’s personality, they should be a little careful. Read on to know more and follow the tips to have a successful courtship:
Open Mind and Unbiased opinions
Initiate your courtship period with a clear open mind. Avoid forming a biased or prejudiced view of your partner. You will surely be welcomed with many pleasant surprises while getting to know your partner better at the same time.
Spend quality time together
Take out enough quality time for each other. Spending time together would help you in exploring your partner’s temperament, behavior, interests, etc. directly or indirectly. Asking too many questions can become a little boring and even uncomfortable at times, so, try observing each other. You may observe his/ her behavior while driving on a busy road, while placing order at a crowded restaurant, while shopping in a busy market or while talking about general issues.
Don’t be on a fault finding spree
If your focus is on trying to see the negatives of the other person, you will obviously find uncountable. Remember two things: ‘Nobody is perfect’ and ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’. A couple has to always accept each other as they are to make the relationship work successfully. Two people with differences in their personalities can still make a happy great couple.
But, do make sure, it is not an investigation period instead the most cherished one. Keep it beautiful and enjoy it fully. Take a wise decision and have a happy life!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
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