
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably Make With Women -- And What To Do About It...

by David DeAngelo
Here Are the Top Ten Reasons Why Men Fail with Women -- And How to Make Sure YOU Avoid Every One of These Deadly Common Mistakes...

MISTAKE #1: Being Too Much of a "Nice Guy"

Have you ever noticed that the really attractive women never seem to be attracted to "nice" guys?
Of course you have.
Just like me, I'm sure you've had attractive female friends that always seemed to date "jerks"... but for some reason they were never romantically interested in YOU.
What's going on here?
It's actually very simple...
Women don't base their choices of men on how "nice" a guy is. They choose the men they do because they feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them.
And guess what?
Being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL that powerful ATTRACTION.
And being NICE doesn't make a woman CHOOSE you.
I realize that this doesn't make a lot of logical sense, and it's hard to ACCEPT... but GET OVER IT.
Until you accept this FACT and begin to act on it, you'll NEVER have the success with women that you want.

MISTAKE #2: Trying to "Convince Her to Like You"

What do most guys do when they meet a woman that they REALLY like... but she's just not interested?
Right! They try to "convince" the woman to feel differently.
Never, ever, EVER.
You cannot CONVINCE a woman to feel differently about you with "logic and reasoning".
Think about it.
If a woman doesn't "feel it" for you, how in the world do you expect to change that FEELING by being "reasonable" with her?
But we all do it.
When a woman just isn't interested, we beg, plead, chase, and do our best to change her mind.
Bad idea. One that will never work.

MISTAKE #3: Looking to Her for Approval or Permission

In our desire to please women (which we mistakenly think will make them like us), us guys are always doing things to get a woman's "approval" or "permission".
Another HORRIBLE idea.
Women are NEVER attracted to the types of men who kiss up to them... EVER.
Don't get me wrong here.
You don't have to treat women BADLY for them to like you.
But if you think that treating a woman well means "always getting her approval and permission for things", think again.
You will never succeed by looking for approval. Women actually get ANNOYED at men who seek their approval.
Doubt me? Just ask any attractive woman if Wussy guys who chase her around and want her approval annoy her...

MISTAKE #4: Trying to "Buy" Her Affection with Food and Gifts

How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her REJECT you for someone who didn't treat her even HALF as well as you did?
If you're like me, then you've had it happen a LOT.
Well guess what?
It's only NATURAL when this happens...
That's right, I said NATURAL.
When you do these things, you send a clear message:
"I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I'm going to try to buy your attention and affection".
Your good intentions usually come across to women as over-compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation. That's right, I said that women see this as MANIPULATION.

MISTAKE #5: Sharing "How You Feel" Too Early in the Relationship with Her

Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most men make with women is sharing how they "feel" too early on.
Attractive women are rare.
And they get a LOT of attention from men.
Most men don't realize this, but attractive women are being approached in one way or another ALL THE
An attractive woman is often approached several times a DAY by men who are interested. This translate into dozens of times per week, and often HUNDREDS of times per month.
And guess what?
Attractive women have usually dated a LOT of men.
That's right. They have EXPERIENCE.
They know what to expect.
And one thing that turns an attractive women off and sends her running away faster than just about anything is a guy who starts saying "You know, I really, REALLY like you" after one or two dates.
This signals to the woman that you're just like all the other guys who fall for her too fast... and can't control themselves.
Don't do it. Lean back. Relax.
There's a much better way...

MISTAKE #6: Not "Getting" How Attraction Works for Women

Women are VERY different from men when it comes to ATTRACTION.
You need to accept this fact, and deal with it.
When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction.
But does the same apply for women?
Do women feel sexual attraction to men based mostly on looks? Or is something else going on?
Well, after studying this topic for over five full years now, I can tell you that women usually have their "attraction mechanisms" triggered by things OTHER than looks.
Have you ever noticed that you see a lot more average and unattractive men with beautiful women than the other way around?
Think about it.
Women are more attracted to certain qualities in men... and they're attracted to the way a man makes them FEEL than they are to looks alone.
If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman.
But it's not an accident. You have to LEARN how to do this.
And ANY guy can learn how...

MISTAKE #7: Thinking That It Takes Money and Looks

One of the most common mistakes that guys make is giving up before they've even gotten started... because they think that attractive women are only interested in men who have looks and money... or guys who are a certain height... or guys who are a certain age.
And sure, there are some women who are only interested in these things.
But MOST women are far more interested in a man's personality than his wallet or his looks.
There are personality traits that attract women like a magnet...
And if you learn what they are and how to use them, YOU can be one of these guys.
YOU DO NOT have to "settle" for a woman just because you aren't rich, tall, or handsome.
Let me say this again: If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman.

MISTAKE #8: Giving Away All of Your Power to Women

Earlier I mentioned that it's a mistake to look to a woman for approval or permission.
Well, another similar tactic that a lot of guys use is GIVING AWAY THEIR POWER to women.
Said differently, guys try to get women to like them by doing whatever the woman wants.
Another bad idea...
Women are NEVER attracted to men that they can walk all over... Women aren't attracted to Wussies!

MISTAKE #9: Not Knowing EXACTLY What to Do in Each Type of Situation with Women

Now I'm going to blow your mind...
A woman ALWAYS knows what you're thinking.
Women are approximately TEN TIMES better than men at reading body language. That's ten TIMES.
I know, it might be hard to believe. But for example, if you're out on a date with a woman, and you want to kiss her, she knows it.
And if you don't know exactly what to do and exactly HOW to kiss her, and you just sit there looking at her and getting nervous, she won't help!
And this goes for ALL aspects of women and dating...
Approaching a woman, getting her number, asking her out, kissing her, getting physical... everything.
If you don't know what to do in each situation, you will probably screw it up... and LOSE EVERYTHING.
And you KNOW it.
It is VITALLY important that you know EXACTLY how to go from one step to the next with a woman... from the first meeting, all the way to the bedroom.

MISTAKE #10: Not Getting HELP

This is the biggest mistake of all.
This is the mistake that keeps most men from EVER having the kind of success with women that they truly want.
I know, guys don't like to make themselves look weak or helpless. We don't like to ask for help.
Hey, I've been there myself.
Let me tell you a little about me and how I figured out how to be successful with women...
About five years ago I became fed up with the fact that I didn't know how to approach, meet, and get dates with women that I was attracted to.
It frustrated the hell out of me.
One night I was out with a friend, and I saw a woman I wanted to ask out, but I just couldn't get up the nerve to do it. I can still remember that night... right on the spot I made the decision to do whatever it took to learn how to be successful with women and dating.
Well, after a lot of hard work and trying all kinds of crazy things, I finally figured it all out.
I can now approach just about any woman and get her number almost instantly. I've dated models, I've dated actresses, and I've dated nice, normal, regular girls as well.
It has been a very rewarding experience. I no longer feel that sick, insecure feeling... like I don't know how to meet women... and I might wind up alone.
I know that anytime, anywhere, I can go out and meet attractive women.
I've written a book on the topic, and I've done seminars on both coasts of the United States... and taught tens of thousands of men all around the world.

I Now Have a FREE, Three-Times-a-Week Email Newsletter...
...But the REALLY GREAT news is that I now publish a free email newsletter three times a week that teaches any guy how to increase his success with women DRAMATICALLY.
And I'd like to invite you to sign up.
It's free, there's no obligation, I'll never share your email address with anyone, and you can easily remove yourself anytime with no hassles (and no, I'll never pull any of these tricks where I send you a bunch of unwanted junk email when you try to remove yourself).
Of course, it even gets better than that...
In addition to my free email newsletter, I also have a killer downloadable eBook that you can download right now and be reading in literally MINUTES from right now.
It's JAM PACKED with dozens and dozens of specific strategies for overcoming fear, approaching women, getting phone numbers and email address from women quickly, great inexpensive or even free date ideas, and how to take things to a "physical" level smoothly and easily.
To sign up for my free three-times-a-week newsletter AND download your copy of this online eBook, just go here:

Oh, And One More Thing...
    In this day and age of "instant gratification", I realize that this might just sound like another late-night info-mercial promising to make you rich by next week.
Well, that's not the case.
I've spent a lot of time, effort, and energy writing this eBook. I wanted to design and create a program that ANY guy could easily understand and start using IMMEDIATELY to meet and date more women... without having to lie, do dishonest things, or be "manipulative".
I now believe that ANY man can be more successful with women and dating, and I get emails every day with success stories from guys who are using this program to meet and date wonderful women.
I know, I know... an ebook that can teach a regular guy how to be more successful in the dating world? No way.
Well believe me, this program will DRAMATICALLY increase your success with women... I absolutely guarantee it 100%.
If you'd like to take your success with women and dating to the next level, and have the kind of success that you've always wanted, then go sign up for my free newsletter, get all the details, and check out some great free samples of the eBook located here:

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How to Start a Conversation with a Woman

by John Alexander
Last week I had the easiest pick up and lay in my life, and it all started with me walking by a random girl and saying (using a clear, resonating voice and disinterested, but relaxed and sexual body language), "Hey."
She looked up, expecting me to say something interesting.
My follow-up was simply, "Do you know where the smoothie place is? I'm in the mood for a smoothie."
After that, she kept the conversation going. Simple, right?
Here was the key: I always made sure that she was reacting to me more than I was reacting to her.
When I first started speaking to her, I frankly couldn't care less about what she thought of me.
My mindset was, "I'm just going through my day. But hey, if some hot chick wants to earn my attention, that's cool. If not, I'm going to enjoy my day just the same."
I've coached a lot of guys, and the mistake I most often see a guy make when he opens a conversation with a girl is that he tries to get a response from her.
Maybe he tries too hard to make her laugh. Or he starts asking her weird questions that he shouldn't be interested in when speaking to a total stranger (e.g., "What's you major?" or "How has your day been today?")
This sets her up with a higher value than him.
You see, whenever you set a girl up with a higher value than you (like when you're trying to win her approval), this causes her to lose attraction for you.
In every conversation, there is always one person who is reacting more than the other. The person who reacts less (i.e., is the more relaxed of the two) is the more dominant, or alpha, person.
The person trying to win the other's approval is the one who's more attracted. So a girl will struggle to make small talk and keep the conversation going as long as your value is higher than hers.
Women are attracted to men who are a challenge for them. If at some point it becomes clear that you're trying to win her approval, then there's no longer a challenge for her and she loses interest.
Keep the alpha status and stay in control of the situation right from the beginning. Make sure to not ever react too much to what a girl says. Always remain more relaxed than her.
So the answer to the best way to begin a conversation with a woman is this: Don't try. Don't care what she thinks. Just say whatever you want.
If you'd like to read more of my simple and easy-to-implement ideas for meeting and seducing women then click here.

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How to Start a Conversation with a Woman

by John Alexander
Last week I had the easiest pick up and lay in my life, and it all started with me walking by a random girl and saying (using a clear, resonating voice and disinterested, but relaxed and sexual body language), "Hey."
She looked up, expecting me to say something interesting.
My follow-up was simply, "Do you know where the smoothie place is? I'm in the mood for a smoothie."
After that, she kept the conversation going. Simple, right?
Here was the key: I always made sure that she was reacting to me more than I was reacting to her.
When I first started speaking to her, I frankly couldn't care less about what she thought of me.
My mindset was, "I'm just going through my day. But hey, if some hot chick wants to earn my attention, that's cool. If not, I'm going to enjoy my day just the same."
I've coached a lot of guys, and the mistake I most often see a guy make when he opens a conversation with a girl is that he tries to get a response from her.
Maybe he tries too hard to make her laugh. Or he starts asking her weird questions that he shouldn't be interested in when speaking to a total stranger (e.g., "What's you major?" or "How has your day been today?")
This sets her up with a higher value than him.
You see, whenever you set a girl up with a higher value than you (like when you're trying to win her approval), this causes her to lose attraction for you.
In every conversation, there is always one person who is reacting more than the other. The person who reacts less (i.e., is the more relaxed of the two) is the more dominant, or alpha, person.
The person trying to win the other's approval is the one who's more attracted. So a girl will struggle to make small talk and keep the conversation going as long as your value is higher than hers.
Women are attracted to men who are a challenge for them. If at some point it becomes clear that you're trying to win her approval, then there's no longer a challenge for her and she loses interest.
Keep the alpha status and stay in control of the situation right from the beginning. Make sure to not ever react too much to what a girl says. Always remain more relaxed than her.
So the answer to the best way to begin a conversation with a woman is this: Don't try. Don't care what she thinks. Just say whatever you want.
If you'd like to read more of my simple and easy-to-implement ideas for meeting and seducing women then click here.

What kind of emailer are you? Find out today - get a free analysis of your email personality. Take the quiz at the Yahoo! Mail Championship.

Monday, March 5, 2007


Developing a sense of humor

It is a very important trait which a girl looks for in his man. If you
will ask the girls the most important thing they look in their
partner, mostly will say "their sense of humor".

When you come across as being a person with a sense of humour, people
will feel comfortable in your presence and find it easier to approach
you and converse with you. It helps build much needed rapport and a
certain level of trust.

Most actors like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt are so irresistible because of
their sense of humor.
How to develop a sense of humor?

1. Start by creating your own humor library.

2. Visit the library everyday, especially before each date.

3. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh.

4. Enjoy at least 10 laughs a day--and don't forget to poke fun at yourself.


"From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere."
--Dr. Seuss

"You grow up the day you have your first real laugh - at yourself."
--Edith Barrymore

How to SEDUCE women?

First things first; Seduction is not a set of techniques; seduction is
a state of mind that produces techniques of seduction. You behave
according to what you think. Always remember this thing: "YOUR STATE

Step by step approach:

1. Correct Body language – art of nonverbal seduction
2. Approach her
3. Talk to her – cool essence is the key here
4. Make her your friend – be mysterious and predicatable (that is what
women get attracted to)
5. Seduce her to the bed.

I am presuming that she is already your friend. And now all you want
is to take her to your bed. Right?

First and foremost thing, seduction is a strategical game where your
ULTIMATE GOAL is to have sex with someone. Second thing, you have to
master the skills of reading the body language of women. All your
answers lie there.

Now the question is how to succeed in this game of seduction?

1. Have Patience – Most of the men have the habit of rushing into
everything, including sex. The trick to the game is to pretend that
sex is the last thing on your mind (even though we all know it is the
first thing).

2. Exude confidence & power – Both men and women are drawn to those
who exude power, as there is something about the attribute that makes
a person attractive. Be MYSTERIOUS & UNPREDICTABLE in your approach.
Tell for youself, who excites you more - Peter Parker or Spiderman?

3. Be interested in what she has to say (fake it if you must) and
above all make her laugh (with witty remarks rather than lame jokes
and stupid behavior). This is utmost important.

4. Eye contact. Make eye contact, but please look her in the eye
gently (no more than 2-4 seconds) and then glance away. Don't stare –
it's a turn off. While talking, move closer to her and you can even
touch her shoulders, back, etc. But you should appear very casual and
please, don't overdo that. Judge every movement of her and try reading
her body language. You will get your answers whether she is interested
or not. Act accordingly. Follow your instincts.

5. Learn to use your own voice to more effect. Speak slowly, surely
and more deeply. All women love a very slow, deep speaking voice.
Women find this to be very sexy and very attractive.

6. Have fun. Be playful, light-hearted and spontaneous. Show your
vulnerability. Always wear a smile. Develop a charming personality and
you will become a people magnet.
Likewise, when you can master the key sex cues like the smile, voice
tonality, body language and the others, you can make women feel deep
attraction even if you look like a half-mutant crossbreed between
Chewbacca and Greedo.

FLIRTING: "To play at love, without serious intentions." It is often
done to arouse sexual interest in another person. Flirting is fun; it
is just kidding around. Have the intention of fun and nothing else. It
is not serious, so you cant do anything wrong! It is kind of a joke
about what they're doing; with which you tease them and kid them
about. Remember: You dont have to do the right thing, because you are
just kidding.

Your FRAME OF MIND is very important in flirting. Don't try to be a
flirt. Skills of flirting come automatically to you from your
sub-consciousness if you just loosen yourself and have a positive
approach of mind.
Flirting Tips

1. Focus outward. Keep your attention outside yourself, toward a
particular flirting target or toward the general social environment.
You can't flirt while you're self-absorbed.

2. While flirting, follow up with a helpful comment. That helps them
know you are kind, not just light-heartedly rude.

3. Body Language: Straighten up, good posture, shoulders relaxed, arms
uncrossed, lean forward slightly.

4. Have fun. Be playful, light-hearted and spontaneous. Show your vulnerability.

5. Compliment. Compliment your flirting partner. The best compliments
have the element of surprise. The "flirtee" will know that you really
noticed them. Remember, your compliments must be honest, sincere and
genuine. When you receive a compliment the best response is merely to
say Thank You!

6. Use your eyes. Whether in conversation or across the room, look at
your target's eyes a little longer than necessary, and keep a small
smile on your own face while you do that.

7. Smile. It is contagious. It will make you so much more
approachable. A smile lights up your face and draws people to you.

Dating Tips For Men

1. Holding Hands

Maybe you don't realize this but girls read a lot about the type of
person you are by the guestures you give off. Hold her hand, play with
her fingers, show her how sweet you can be. If she likes you, this
will just add to it. If she doesn't, you will findout without pushing
physical boundries...(who really wants to kiss someone who is not into
it?). Do not just dive in to a steamy make-out session, take it slow
and make sure this is what you want. The worst is when you change your
mind and feelings end up hurt. Oh... and not calling equals not
caring. If you are into a guy, do not let a week go by without talking
to her. She will associate this with your feelings not being the same
as hers.

Secrets of a Long Relationship

Daily Love Tips and Ideas :
Have you wondered how people last 10, 20 or more years together? Here are some of the secrets!

Accept The Shortcomings
None of us are perfect. Some of us are sloppy. Some of us are perpetually late. ...
Read Full Tip for Accept The Shortcomings

Admitting your wrong
Some days couples argue about stuff. This most likely is small little ...
Read Full Tip for Admitting your wrong

Agree to Disagree
There are some issues that simply come down to personal choice. You like mayo. ...
Read Full Tip for Agree to Disagree

Be Aware of Stressful Times
There are always going to be times that your partner is simply stressed out. He ...
Read Full Tip for Be Aware of Stressful Times

Be Independently Happy
You love your partner, of course. But you should not rely on your partner to ...
Read Full Tip for Be Independently Happy

Brush the haterz off
Don't let everybody in the relationship. It's you and him not you him and his ...
Read Full Tip for Brush the haterz off

Choose your Arguments Wisely
Each time you argue, it takes a portion of the joy out of your relationship. It ...
Read Full Tip for Choose your Arguments Wisely

Do Not Shout
Good relationships are between best friends who love and respect each other. ...
Read Full Tip for Do Not Shout

Don't suffocate him
Say you get home from work before he does. Don't immediately jump him with a ...
Read Full Tip for Don't suffocate him

forgive :)
there are tins that at first u tink, how could he? ect ect. talk to him about ...
Read Full Tip for forgive :)

Build a Solid Foundation It'll help for the future. You'll know how to please ...
Read Full Tip for foundation

he/she come 1st
well when the call u or just want to be with u. and ignore them for some1 else. ...
Read Full Tip for he/she come 1st

I Love You
Dont forget to say "I LOVE ...
Read Full Tip for I Love You

Less of the Ex - Please
Avoid saying too much of your ex love, say only what you are asked and nothing ...
Read Full Tip for Less of the Ex - Please

Staying Together
For you to last you must talk, have feelings for each other, and risk ...
Read Full Tip for Staying Together

Tell him how you feel.
Make sure you tell your partner how you feel, and dont say things that you ...
Read Full Tip for Tell him how you feel.

try not to say no
when ure date asks you something try not to say ...
Read Full Tip for try not to say no

We Fight All the Time
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What every woman should know about her sex drive--in all the stages of her life whether you're single, married with children or post-menopause.
Long-Lasting Love  
Couples share the success secrets of their long and happy marriages. Gain words of wisdom on these long-lasting relationships.
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Relationship Q&A  
From in-law battles and infidelity to money problems, we've got expert answers to pressing questions.
Secrets of Super-Happy Couples  
Why do some couples seem so head-over-heels? Here are 12 ways to keep your relationship thriving.
Ten Creative Dates  
Go beyond the old standby -- dinner and movie -- with these fun dating ideas. You can go back to your childhood or plan a night on the town!
Revealing Questions  
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Love Quizzes  
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Sex and Intimacy  
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Whether you're new or an old pro at the dating game, don't miss these pointers for the dos and don'ts of courtship.
Sex and Dating  
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Single Mom's Guide to Dating  
Stepping into the singles scene again after years of marriage and a focus on child rearing is many women's idea of a nightmare. Here, survival stories and smart advice from the front lines.

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Romance Ideas

Need new romance ideas to keep the romance in your relationships? Find out what to do to make your love last. Check out the lists of romance ideas for every occasion, you are sure to find one that fits.

What Do Men Find Romantic?
10 things that guys love. When it comes to romance, guys get a bad rap. But men can be just as romantic as women, just in a different way!  
What Makes Love Last?  
Three ways to make your marriage stronger.  
Romantic Fun  
What could be better than spending time with the one you love? Here's how to strengthen your bond and keep the romance alive!
Sex and Intimacy  
Intimacy and a satisfying sex life are important components in any marriage. Try these tips for improving your sexual relationship and more.  
Easy Ways to Keep the Flames Burning  
12 thoughtful gestures your mate will love. To keep the romance from dwindling, try these creative yet doable romance ideas!
Leaps of Love  
Face your fears and take a chance. You'll find the result is often better than you bargained for.
Get Closer - Even Now  
In a long-standing marriage, you may wonder if you're tapped out on bonding moments. Keep discovering deeper intimacy with these 10 ideas.

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